This is an interactive e-learning module that aims to standardize the media and content in the clerkships at Augusta University. This module was developed for the OBGYN clerkship as the pilot.
A recorded video of the pilot module demonstrating the interactivity with the medical illustration and 3D models.
Clinical clerkships vary in level of student’s exposure to patients due to geographical location. Standardizing clerkship training material will lead to more accurate patient diagnoses and treatment. The solution proposed was to development a pilot e-learning module to enhance clerkship experience through standardization of the media provided to students. The ovarian neoplasm module was chosen due to only 15% of diagnosis occurring
at stage 1. This subject matter demonstrates the need for early diagnosis but may be difficult due to a varied patient population and possible lack of exposure to the presenting signs.
Script and Storyboards were developed to coincide with the learning objectives set forth by the clerkship director for the module.
Models were developed in ZBrush and Cinema4D and integrated into Adobe Captivate. Other elements including illustrations were integrated into captivate from Sketchfab and
Object2VR. The module was published as HTML onto the university's learning
management system, Desire to Learn.
Examples of the 3D models constructed from surgical and pathological photos to emphasize features that are seen in diagnosis on ultrasound and cause certain patient presentations.
An interactive 3D model was made from MRI scans that shows the arterial supply to the uterus